Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.
All of Israel is responsible
for one another.
Actions and resources here.
Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.
All of Israel is responsible for one another.
Actions and resources here.
Every Friday
Oneg begins at 5:00pm | Service begins at 5:30pm
Indoors in the sanctuary with remote accesibilty via livestream
Join us most Fridays as we welcome in Shabbat together.
Kabbalat Shabbat services will not be held once a month on the night of our Shabbat at Home program. Please check the calendar below.
Every Saturday
Indoors in the sanctuary with remote accesibilty via livestream
Join Rabbi Estrin and the Shabbat morning crew to start your day with some davening, thought-provoking conversation, and the chance to see friends, old and new. Followed by a kiddush lunch.
Daily, except Shabbat and Yontif
On Zoom daily
In-Person Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
Be one in a minyan! Our own Tom Berman will be continuing to hold the TBE Brotherhood's morning minyan service at 8am Sunday through Friday except Shabbat and Yontif.
In-Person at TBE
Need more davening in your life? Join us at 7am on Mondays at TBE for shacharit followed by a little Talmud. No experience necessary, all are welcome. Contact Boaz Vilozny for more information
High Holidays information is generally available two months prior to Rosh Hashanah.
Temple Beth El has an open-door and open-seating policy. All are welcome, and no tickets are required.