Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.

All of Israel is responsible

for one another.

Actions and resources here.

New Here?

Bruchim Haba'im! Welcome!

Welcome to Temple Beth El's website! We're so glad that you're considering making TBE your Jewish home in Portland. Below we have compiled what we think might be most useful to you as a new visiter, but we encourage you to check out our entire website, as we have lots to offer!

If you have any questions or would just like to chat with someone about what being a part of the TBE community is like, feel free to get in touch with the office by phone at (207) 774-2649 or by email. We hope to meet you soon!


Our Community

Hear from TBE members about what makes TBE a unique, inclusive Conservative synagogue and community.

Our Members


Meet Our Team

Learn about Rabbi Estrin and the team that helps everything run smoothly!

Our Staff


Attend a Service

We'd love for you to join us for services sometime! Learn about our weekly and holiday offerings.



Attend an Event

From Adult Ed classes to gardening opportunities, TBE is bound to have something for everyone!



Social Kashrut

Social Kashrut is a spiritual and organizational practice rooted in the belief that we will be a healthier, more vibrant Jewish community when we fully incorporate the diversity that is the reality of modern Jewish life.

Learn More


Become a Member

Check out our membership page if you are ready to make TBE your spiritual home.



Our Community

Hear from TBE members about what makes TBE a unique, inclusive Conservative synagogue and community.

Our Members


Meet Our Team

Learn about Rabbi Braun and the team that helps everything run smoothly!

Our Staff


Attend a Service

We'd love for you to join us for services sometime! Learn about our weekly and holiday offerings.



Attend an Event

From Adult Ed classes to gardening opportunities, TBE is bound to have something for everyone!



Social Kashrut

Social Kashrut is a spiritual and organizational practice rooted in the belief that we will be a healthier, more vibrant Jewish community when we fully incorporate the diversity that is the reality of modern Jewish life.

Learn More


Become a Member

Check out our membership page if you are ready to make TBE your spiritual home.


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