Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.
All of Israel is responsible
for one another.
Actions and resources here.
Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.
All of Israel is responsible for one another.
Actions and resources here.
April 10, 2024
Welcome to TBE's Passover Center! Here you will find information about:
Need to borrow haggadot and/or tables and chairs? Looking to learn more about the holiday? Want to freshen up your collection of Passover recipes? Look no further! TBE's Passover Guide contains all of that information and more!
April 26 | 5:30pm
Feeling tired already from the idea of cooking Shabbat dinner after two seders? We have the solution for you! On Friday, April 26 (the Friday night during Passover), we will be hosting a kosher-for-Passover Shabbat dinner at TBE. We hope that you'll join us! There will be a brief service in the Social Hall before the meal.
The menu will be as follows:
Registration is required and is due by April 19.
We're also seeking volunteers to help make this event a success. If you're interested in helping prepare the meal (and especially if you're excited to make matzah ball soup!) please email Sadie at
Chametz (literally "that which is leavened"), are foods that are prohibited during all of Passover. Chametz is created when any of these five grains: wheat, barley, rye, oats or spelt, have been mixed with a liquid and allowed to stand for more than 18 minutes. Some Ashkenazi Jews also include rice, millet, corn and legumes. (See the Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide for more information.) Our tradition says that we must not own any chametz during the 8 days of Passover. We sell it, throw it away, burn it, give it away or store it in such a way that we are sure not to use it during the holiday. Whatever we store away is sold to a non-Jew for all the days of Passover. This form is used to appoint Rabbi Braun as the person who will sell your chametz.
It is also customary to make a donation for
Maot Chittim - literally "wheat money" - so that those without means will be able to prepare for the holiday. We will donate these contributions to
Michael Klahr Jewish Family Services this year.
Join Rabbi Braun and friends for Passover festival services. Services can be attended in person or via our livestream.
Monday, April 22 / Nisan 14
8:00am Virtual Morning Minyan, Ta’anit Bechorot (Fast of the First Born)
7:16pm Candle lighting | First Seder
Tuesday, April 23 / Nisan 15 - Pesach I
9:30am Festival Services
8:17pm Candle lighting | Second Seder
Wednesday, April 24 / Nisan 16 - Pesach II, 1st Day Omer
9:30am Festival Services
8:18pm Havdalah
Thursday, April 25 / Nisan 17, 2nd Day Omer
8:00am Virtual Morning Minyan
Friday, April 26 / Nisan 18, 3rd Day Omer
8:00am Virtual Morning Minyan
5:30pm Shabbat Dinner at TBE (pre-registration required)
7:21pm Candle lighting
Saturday, April 27 / Nisan 19, 4th Day Omer
9:30am Passover/Shabbat Morning Services
8:22pm Havdalah
Sunday, April 28 / Nisan 20, 5th Day Omer
8:00am Morning Minyan
7:23pm Candle lighting
Monday, April 29 / Nisan 21 - Pesach VII, 6th Day Omer
9:30am Festival Services
8:24pm Candle lighting
Tuesday, April 30 / Nisan 22 - Pesach VIII, 7th Day Omer
9:30am Festival Services
8:25pm Havdalah
While there is a myriad of haggadot available online, we wanted to make sure that y'all had access to the physical copies of Feast of Freedom (Rabbinical Assembly) that we have at TBE. Email us at office@tbemaine.org with the number of copies that you would like and we'll coordinate a time for you to pick them up.
If you are interested in looking for a different haggadah online, our
Passover Resource Guide has some wonderful options. If there is a haggadah that you have found online that you would like printed, we can print some copies in the office for you. Email us at
office@tbemaine.org with the PDF version attached or a link to the PDF online included and we'll coordinate a time for you to be able to pick it up.
Having a few more guests than last year and need some extra chairs? We have you covered! This year, TBE is able to lend out limited furniture to members to support their seder experience at home. Please email us at
events@tbemaine.org to reserve what you need and coordinate a pick-up time. First come, first served.