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On Serving TBE

January 27, 2021
Rabbi Braun
“Let all who are hungry, come and eat.”

With these words, we begin our Passover Seder—welcoming all to share our story and our food. And with these words, we welcome all to nourish themselves with prayer and community at Temple Beth El.

It's an honor to serve as rabbi to Temple Beth El. From this position I have the privilege of interpreting and teaching our tradition to our congregants and the greater Portland community. The rewards of my position are many. I can worship in a setting which is meaningful to me, engage in important dialogue with people of all ages and backgrounds, and benefit from the opportunity to be close to my congregants during the most important events of their lives.

Temple Beth El is an institution of ongoing learning. It is a place where we can encounter, question, and re-encounter the Jewish tradition together, in an embracing and supportive atmosphere. As Jacob said in the book of Genesis, Ein zeh ki im bet elohim, "This is none other than the abode of God, and that is the gateway to heaven." 
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