Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.

All of Israel is responsible

for one another.

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Funeral + Shiva

a photo looking up at redwood trees, the sky is foggy

It is at times of great joy and great sorrow that we look for the embrace of our community. Temple Beth El's clergy, congregants, and staff are here to support you in your loss. 

Death Notifications

If a TBE member or one of their family members has died, please notify the office by email (office@tbemaine.org) or phone (207-774-2649), and we will work with you to draft an announcement to our community.


Rabbi Estrin performs funerals for TBE members, and for non-members when possible. If you are anticipating a loss or have just experienced the loss of a loved one, please call the TBE office at 207-774-2649. If you are not able to reach someone right away or are calling outside of normal business hours, please call the emergency line at 207-318-6394.

Cemetery Plots

TBE owns and operates Temple Beth El Memorial Park in Portland. To learn more about the cemetery and how to purchase cemetery plots, contact Cemetery Director Sherri Quint at cemetery@tbemaine.org.


Rabbi Estrin will help mourners organize a shiva minyan in accordance with your family's customs, and TBE congregants will ensure that there is a minyan. TBE's Wilson Family Fund sponsors a Shabbat condolence meal for TBE member families in mourning during shiva. 

a photo looking up at redwood trees, the sky is foggy

It is at times of great joy and great sorrow that we look for the embrace of our community. Temple Beth El's clergy, congregants, and staff are here to support you in your loss. 

Death Notifications

If a TBE member or one of their family members has died, please notify Sherri Quint by email or phone (207-774-2649 ext. 202), and she will work with you to draft an announcement to our community.


Rabbi Braun performs funerals for TBE members, and for non-members when possible. If you are anticipating a loss or have just experienced the loss of a loved one, please call the TBE office at 207-774-2649. If you are not able to reach someone right away or are calling outside of normal business hours, please call the emergency line at 207-318-6394.

Cemetery Plots

TBE owns and operates Temple Beth El Memorial Park in Portland. To learn more about the cemetery and how to purchase cemetery plots, contact Cemetery Director Sherri Quint at (207) 774-2649 ext. 202 or at controller@tbemaine.org.


Rabbi Braun will help mourners organize a shiva minyan in accordance with your family's customs, and TBE congregants will ensure that there is a minyan. TBE's Wilson Family Fund sponsors a Shabbat condolence meal for TBE member families in mourning during shiva. 

Temple Beth El owns and operates Memorial Park, a cemetery for its Jewish members, their families, and the surrounding Jewish community.

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