Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.

All of Israel is responsible

for one another.

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Chanukah Gift Shop

Come on down to TBE's Chanukah Gift Shop to pick up Chanukah essentials and extras! We will have candles, chanukiyot (both for candles and electric), dreidels, and gelt, as well as a variety of Chanukah themed gifts. 

- Tuesday, December 10th through Thursday, December 12th: 10am-5pm
- Friday, December 13th: 10am-3pm
- Sunday, December 15th: 9am-noon
- Monday, December 16th through Thursday, December 19th: 10am-5pm

Please note that the gift shop will not be open the week of December 23rd or during Chanukah, so make sure to do your shopping in advance! Questions? Email office@tbemaine.org or call (207) 774-2649 during office hours.
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