Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.
All of Israel is responsible
for one another.
Actions and resources here.
Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.
All of Israel is responsible for one another.
Actions and resources here.
Maine Needs is a local organization that strives to help individuals and families in Maine meet their basic, material needs by providing donated clothing, hygiene products, household items, and other necessities. In 5782, TBE has committed to donating 100 Cleaning and Toiletry kits, which Maine Needs will distribute through social workers, educators, and others to families and individuals that need them.
Assemble in any kind of bag with a handle or in a much needed kitchen trash can! Kits can be delivered to TBE any time through September. Please be in touch with the office with any questions - (207) 774-2649 or office@tbemaine.org.
Each kit costs ~$15. If you prefer to make a donation, TBE volunteers will assemble the kit(s) in your name. Donations can be made online, by check, or on the phone. Just note that your donation is for the Maine Needs Mitzvah Project.